Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Blog: Next New

Often times there are many new ideas I brainstorm in regard to new media that would help make things even easier than now. I think one really cool addition would be to have virtual reality present in more aspects of our lives. For example, on Instagram there a lot of users who post about these exotic places they travelled to with extremely cool videos on the things they got to see and experience. If Instagram added a feature of virtual reality where users can go on and get the chance to feel like they were actually there, it would attract way more users than it already has. This addition would give users the chance to explore and see where they would want to travel to in the future. If this virtual reality tool was even added to airline websites, it would be beneficial to travelers because they can get a feel as to what the destination is going to be like before booking their tickets.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Blog: Wiki So Far

While I have been spending time researching and brainstorming ideas to add to our class wiki page, I've also taken the time to get inspiration from what my fellow peers have written. I found it really interesting how someone did a page on CunyFirst and I decided to edit that one. I added in a couple more sentences under certain topics and changed around existing ones in order to make the information flow more. Furthermore, another page that really interested me was the one on beauty influencers. I added a lot more sentences to it and put in the references subheading. I've decided that I'm going to focus on that page and work on making it better.

Blog: P2P

File sharing means to be able to send and receive documents with others. It can be used both positively and negatively and in the article titled "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios" authors Brian Stelter and Brad Stone shed light to one of the negative ways file sharing can be used. To begin with, both authors share how file sharing allowed people to illegally share the Batman movie with millions of people. This in turn affected the plan the producers originally had. Furthermore, another form of file sharing is known as P2P file sharing. P2P file sharing sounds exactly like its name as its a process where a peer shares files with another peer through different technological programs. Some examples of P2P file sharing includes LimeWire, GoogleTalk, and more.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blog: Privacy

Although we would all really enjoy it if new media was evident in every part of our lives, we also have to realize that with this comes many privacy issues. There have been many incidents where a person was threatened and in danger because someone else got access to their information that was posted online. There's a growing concern about how to keep personal information private and not visible to everyone. It's so easy for social networking sites to pick up on users locations and often times users aren't even aware of this. Furthermore, large companies are constantly taking information in order to help them get an idea of what to create. This is really detrimental to society because people don't feel safe anymore. There needs to be regulations put into place in order to protect ones privacy.

Blog: Advice

With technological advancements taking place everyday, there have been various ways new media is now incorporated into our lives. There are many suggestions that come to mind where new media can enhance the experiences of both students and staff members at Baruch College. I would start off by suggesting the creation of an app. This app would allow students and staff members to get updates on what is going on throughout college in an efficient way. Throughout the past two years at Baruch I've noticed not all students are aware about the events that take place so having an app with a tab that included that would be very beneficial. It would have the events listed under the days with the timings and a brief description. I personally believe this would increase the turn out at these events that require a lot of hard work to put together. This is just one of the many ways a app designed just for Baruch students and staff would be very beneficial.